Coronavirus: The Failure of US Anti-Pandemic Might be the Failure of Country and Society System

By the end of May, five months after China reported a mysterious cluster of pneumonia cases to the World Health Organization, the disease we now know as COVID-19 had already claimed almost 7,553,182 confirmed cases up to today in the world. The new coronavirus had spread to about 200 countries and died about 423,349 people. And in the United States, the confirmed is 2,135,309 and death is 117,426. Obviously, it is quite a new historic death number of the Untied States after the second world war. And the total death number is bigger than the death in WW 2. The United States became the top 1 country with confirmed and death of Coronavirus over the world, what is make every one surprised and incredible to the world. What happened?
And today, George Floyd protests enter third week, and the protest has been spreading to almost all states in the country which may bring some new pressure and stress to the containing of coronavirus and public health care system.
Streets in countless cities and towns across America filled with demonstrators again on Sunday as largely peaceful protests over systemic racism and police brutality, sparked by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, headed towards a third week. As known, it is impossible to control the social distance during the protest, and lots of people in the protest without wearing a mask.
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. “The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”
And so far, the president Trump and the government of United States have not come up any solutions to end the protest and peace the anger of the protesters.
Why does US become the most seriously country of Coronavirus outbreak? People always ascribe it to the fool of president Trump and his government team. Yes, Trump is one reason, but not all the reason. There multiple reasons combined and caused current situation, including the protest for returning to work and for the death of Floyd.
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The Federal Government of United States
The Federal Government of United States does not take all its power and responsibility to control and contain the spread and outbreak of Coronavirus. At least so far, no one can tell exactly what and where on earth is the right source of coronavirus. Chinese government reported the study of coronvirus to WHO and the world, but the US government waste time on laughing at it and watching what was Chinese governments doing for this virus spread like audience with some sarcasm and attacks. They might forget that virus is spread whatever the country is and what the people color is.
And the federal government spent too more time on the international affairs for long like an international policeman, as a result, they may have no more time, resource, and responsibility to govern and manage the domestic affairs. Politicians only concerns the party benefits, and the benefits of party sponsors. The heath and wealth of common people always be ignored, unless there is some big protests for it, like protest for Floyd’s death.
Agree that the country of USA should be lead of international economy, military, and technology, which needs not only the elites of the country, but the contribution of common people with different colors in an unity and concentrated domestic environment.
The Powerful and Opinionated President
The president Trump now acts as a king of the United States, instead of a president. Yes, he used to be a king in his business kingdom. Obviously it is quite different to manage and govern a big country like USA.
Coronavirus is a scientific study topic, which is required to treat seriously with correspond respect. But the Trump King does not think so. He always says knowing almost everything well, and does not allow any different voice in his government team. it is not strange that Trump gave weird opinions on the pandemic of covid-19 in any public press. And till now, Trump government did not come out any clear and executable policies, orders and guidelines to lead the state governments, and each local governments how to do to contain the virus, diagnose and treat infected patients. All messed up.
A powerful President should have powerful leadership in any kinds of inter and inner risks. Speaking too much, but doing less. That is the president Trump and his government. China is always a good excuse to blame, but it is nothing to do with the control of covid-19 pandemic in the country. It is a shame frankly. Many people follows the wrong, and non-professional suggestions from the president and lost lives afterwards.
In this case, each local state government issued their own state order, and policy to handle the spread and outbreak of coronavirus. Without a higher unify management from the federal government, no one knows who is the first one infected in the country, and no one knows how many infections on earth in the country. Without source of virus, how to contain the spread. Otherwise, they know the real source, and know it is not controllable, then doing nothing is reasonable as well.
No good preparation, no good covid-19 control and contain.
The Fundamental Value of the Country
The United States used to be the dream country in the world for its fundamental value of freedom, democracy and Justice which is always seen in Hollywood movies. And personal voting for the universally president elections seems cool and attractive to many peoples in the world. Personally, We always show the best side the others, and hide the dark sides. It is same to a country. But few people will think of it, just admire the beautiful face of the country system.
The value of freedom make the government dared not to declare and execute any strict and tough lockdown policy, because it might violate the value of freedom. Public health-care experts said that it would be much better if the lockdown policy could be issued two weeks earlier.
Another result of pursuing individual freedom is liberalism and selfishness. With this value, people is not willing to accept any lockdown orders, wearing mask, staying at home, and etc. Any kind of lockdown policy would make personal life not free as normal.
Apart from the local Indians, almost all the Americans’ ancestor are from other continent and countries, the United States is said a migrant country. So, every one always only concern and care about his/her own right and benefit. Any problem of the country is not personal business. There is politicians and government.
Now everyone’s focus is on Trump, and some American medias have also begun to attack Trump, but Trump is only one of the small reasons for the failure of the US anti-epidemic.
If an American says that the White House’s anti-epidemic is unfavorable, then the White House can say that 2 million people were supposed to die, but only 110,000 are now dead. What are you dissatisfied with? If you really closed the city and quarantine according to China’s plan, would you be willing?
Just like New York, the mayor directly stated that if New York is forced to quarantine, it would be equivalent to a war. California’s home order was criticized by the public as restricting personal freedom. Under this deep-rooted value logic, in fact, everyone needs to bear their own responsibilities, and absolute individualism eventually became the real reason for the failure of the US epidemic resistance. According to this logic, personal freedom is more important than saving lives, and saving the society and country.
The pandemic of COVID-19 is a mirror to show the disadvantages of the United States country system, and the fundamental value of the country. And the protest for Floyd death also shows some other issues of the country and society. The epidemic and protest will go away and end in some day finally, but the hurt to the people, the country system and the value of the country will keep a long time. And if there is no changes, the same situation will happen sooner or later.