Coronavirus: The Risks in Front of the Youngers

Now we know that the older you are, the higher your risk of facing the new coronavirus. But the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a warning to young people, urging them not to consider themselves “invincible.”
Rosena Allin-Kha (Erosan), a British Labor MP who is a doctor in the emergency room, told the BBC that the disease “is not limited to seniors and people with basic health conditions.”
Before she was interviewed, an 18-year-old Englishman died of the new coronavirus. This should be the youngest death case in the UK.
Eileen Khan said that she had also received “healthy and well-being” patients in the 30 and 40 age groups before. These people are now receiving intensive care and “fighting for their lives.”
What are the risks for different age groups?
At present, the elderly are still the group with the highest risk.
Researchers at Imperial College London have found that age is linked to the probability of hospitalization, and that older people have a greater chance of requiring intensive care once hospitalized.
Less than 5% of people under the age of 50 require hospitalization for symptomatic reasons, compared with 24% of people in the 70-79 age group.
Calculations based on cases in China and Italy show that this ratio is as high as 71% in the 80-year-old and over.
According to statistics from a research charity, the average age of patients receiving intensive care in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is 63 years old.
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that early data showed that 53% of inpatients are over 55 years old, which means half of the population is younger.
But in terms of intensive care patients and deaths, the proportion of the oldest group is much higher (80% of deaths are for people over 65 years old).
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The virus is “not an equation”
These are all averages, so younger people will unfortunately suffer from more severe symptoms, and some of them are fatal.
In Italy, the mortality rate of patients in the 40-49 age group is 0.4%, and the mortality rate in the 80-89 age group is 19.7%. In the United States, the mortality rate for the 40-49 age group is expected to be 0.7%.
Anthony Fauci, director of the American Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said that “most of the deaths are elderly and people with underlying illnesses,” but he added that the virus “is not a mathematical equation.” “.
“There will be young serious cases next,” he said.
The WHO said that although there is now evidence that people over the age of 60 are at higher risk, some young people, including children, have died.
A Chinese study of more than 2,000 children infected with the new coronavirus found that although the clinical manifestations of pediatric patients are usually not as severe as those of adult patients, young children, especially infants, are vulnerable to viral infections.
Underlying illness
Regardless of age, underlying illnesses also play a role.
For example, in the UK, approximately 4.3 million adults have asthma, and if these people are infected with the new coronavirus, they will be at higher risk of becoming severely ill. The problem of basic illness affects all ages.
In 2013, the Office for National Statistic conducted a survey on the overall lifestyle of the British. The results show that 21% of the 25-44 year-olds who participated in the survey had some kind of long-term illness.
And some people may have basic illnesses, but they are not aware of them.
How to Block transmission
Although younger people have a lower risk of serious illness, they may easily spread the virus to others.
Their symptoms may be very mild, even without any symptoms, so they are not aware that they are contagious.
It seems that the new coronavirus is more contagious than influenza. Experts estimate that on average, each virus carrier can infect 2-3 people. These 2-3 people can infect the virus to another 2-3 people, and so on. This means that groups that appear small at first can quickly become tens of thousands.
And maintaining social distance (social distancing) can break the chain of communication. And Meanwhile, Mask is critical and important tool to block the transmission when going out and staying in group.