By the end of May, five months after China reported a mysterious cluster of pneumonia cases to the World Health Organization, the disease we now know as COVID-19 had already claimed almost 7,553,182 confirmed cases up to today in the world. The new coronavirus had spread to about 200 countries and died about 423,349 people. And in the United States, the confirmed is 2,135,309 and death is 117,426. Obviously, it is quite a new historic death number of the Untied States after the second world war.
There have been too many major international events to attention in the world this year, but we cannot forget the fundamental cause which is accelerating changes in the international situation. This is the novel coronavirus epidemic. If we can’t analyze the epidemic itself, it may be difficult to understand the more rapid and far-reaching changes that will happen in the future.
First of all, the epidemic in the United States are growing and becoming the risk center of the world, for the shameful activities of the federal government during the pandemic.
As book “The Crowd” by Gustave Le Bon says, that when an individual is an isolated individual, he has his own distinctive personality characteristics, and when this person is integrated into a group, all his personalities will be overwhelmed by this group, and his thoughts will immediately be overwhelmed by the group. Replaced by. When a group exists, he has the characteristics of emotion, no objection and low IQ. Groups often show the characteristics of “blindness”, “impulsiveness”, “fanaticism”, and “belief”, and the rulers and governors always use these characteristics of the group to establish and consolidate their own rule and regime.
The hydroxychloroquine, which was once regarded as the “magic drug” against the new coronavirus, was even more controversial under the strong publicity of President Trump. However, the latest study published in the New England Journal of Medicine with a total of 821 people participating in the test showed that hydroxycloquinine is not effective in preventing new coronavirus pneumonia.
Scientists in the UK halted the drug trial of hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malarial drug touted by U.
Since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 was found, it have been more than half year. And till now, coronavirus are spreading in the world beyond the original imagination of most country governments and leaders. And the confirmed numbers keeping growing up, and no any good and effective medicals were developed and found at this time. No one can tell when is the end of the pandemic, and where is the hope of the life?
May 24, an article published in National Interest told some truth of the United States government’s anti-coronavirus activities and words to the public. The article is Don’t Listen to the ‘China Covered Up the Coronavirus’ Narrative, in which the author Mitchell Blatt said that China made some mistakes, as did every country, in responding to the coronavirus, but China’s overall response was more effective than most countries, with domestic quarantines of inter-city travelers, widespread mask-wearing, and a testing and tracing regime with access to a vast trove of data.
COVID-19 Nucleic acid test for 10 million more people in China Wuhan In order to get a clear understand of the real coronavirus infection situation in current Wuhan City, the local government of Wuhan decided to do nucleic acid test to all Wuhan residents in 10 days from May 14th. At present, about 90% population of Wuhan City have been collected samples for the test, which means that about 10 million samples have been collected compared to the 11 million permanent residents in Wuhan.
Coronavirus Reagent Test kits 序号 生产企业 统一社会信用代码 国外注册认证情况 No. Company Uniform Social Credit Code Status of Certification / Authorization in Other Countires 1 北京万泰生物药业股份有限公司Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise Co., Ltd. 91110114600067778R CE 2 深圳市锦瑞生物科技有限公司Genrui Biotech Inc. 91440300766350741W CE 3 安徽福贸生物科技有限公司Anhui Formaster Biosci Co., Ltd. 91340225MA2TENM49Y CE 4 安徽深蓝医疗科技股份有限公司Anhui Deepblue Medical Technology Co., Ltd. 913401005501903714 CE 5 必欧瀚生物技术(合肥)有限公司BIOHIT HealthCare(Hefei) Co.
Infrared Thermometers 序号 生产企业 统一社会信用代码 国外注册认证情况 No. Company Uniform Social Credit Code Status of Certification / Authorization in Other Countires 1 深圳市爱立康医疗股份有限公司Alicn Medical Shenzhen, Inc 91440300565731759U CE 2 宁波海立方医疗科技有限公司Ningbo HI-LIFE Medical Technology Co.,Ltd 91330212309032932N CE 3 杭州华安医疗保健用品有限公司Hangzhou Hua’an Medical & Health Instruments Co., Ltd. 9133011025392755X1 U.S. FDA 510(k) cleared 4 深圳市东迪欣科技有限公司Shenzhen Dongdixin Technology Co., Ltd. 91440300715275040J U.
Medical Face Masks: 序号 生产企业 统一社会信用代码 国外注册认证情况 No. Company Uniform Social Credit Code Status of Certification / Authorization in Other Countires 1 稳健医疗用品股份有限公司Winner Medical Co., Ltd. 91440300723009295R CE 2 湖北省潜江市江赫医用材料有限公司Hubei Qianjiang Kingphar Medical Material Co.,Ltd 914290051836675600 CE 3 合肥美迪普医疗卫生用品有限公司Hefei Medpro Healthcare Co., Ltd. 91340100744891942W CE 4 海安美佳医用敷料有限公司Haian Medigauze Co.,Ltd. 91320621733774564Q CE 5 湖北康宁防护用品有限公司Hubei Kangning Protective Products Co.