Medical Protective Gowns/Clothing: 序号 生产企业 统一社会信用代码 国外注册认证情况 No. Company Uniform Social Credit Code Status of Certification / Authorization in Other Countires 1 稳健医疗用品股份有限公司Winner Medical Co., Ltd. 91440300723009295R CE 2 合肥美迪普医疗卫生用品有限公司Hefei Medpro Healthcare Co., Ltd. 91340100744891942W CE 3 许昌正德医疗用品有限公司Xuchang Zhengde Environstar Medical Products Co.,Ltd. 91411024698700374N CE 4 海安美佳医用敷料有限公司Haian Medigauze Co.,Ltd. 91320621733774564Q CE 5 安徽迈德普斯医疗科技有限公司Anhui MedPurest Medical Technology Co.
Ventilators 序号 生产企业 统一社会信用代码 国外注册认证情况 No. Company Uniform Social Credit Code Status of Certification / Authorization in Other Countires 1 南京晨伟医疗设备有限公司Nanjing Chenwei Medical Equipment Co., Ltd 91320115724593577T CE 2 深圳市诺然美泰科技股份有限公司Shenzhen Northern Meditec Co., Ltd. 91440300051518483M CE 3 湖南明康中锦医疗科技发展有限公司Micomme Medical Technology Development Co., Ltd. 91430100593256393Q CE 4 伟康医疗产品(深圳)有限公司Respironics Medical Products (Shenzhen)Co., Ltd. 91440300618868936U U.S. FDA 510(k) cleared 5 东莞永胜医疗制品有限公司VINCENT Medical (Dong Guan) MFG.
Lots of experts, doctors and psychologist have been talking about people’s mental and psychological health impacted by COVID-19 pandemic since the first cases confirmed in Europe and USA. Apart from the infection pressure, unemployment situation, and worse family and personal financial stress, people’s mental and psychological health are facing a huge challenge during the pandemic, and this impact will last for a long time after the epidemic. This is a critical reason why people went to street protest against the lockdown and stay-at-home policy, and asking return to work strongly.
Unfortunately, if you go out and are infected by Coronavirus, you should know that young people generally have strong resistibility to virus, and just drink more water and take some medicine comply with the instructions of doctor if there are not many symptoms of heart, kidney and liver. Otherwise, you have to go to the nearest hospital asking for special treatment.
Many patients recovered well overall, including the lungs. The sequelae of novel coronavirus pneumonia is better than SARS, despite of those with critical serious symptoms patients whose bleeding, kindneys and lungs have been damaged a lot by COVID-19.
May 10, local confirmed coronavirus infections were found in South Korea and China, in which countries, the pandemic of coronavirus have been well controlled and contained for a long time. It is an alert for every governments who are relaxing the lockdown policy for economy reopen, and people who are planning to return to work, to be ware of the infection risk. Reported by South Korea and Chinese medias, those confirmed cases were infected by some asymptomatic infections at home or public place.
Researchers suspect that the coronavirus is hitting men and women differently. Worldwide, men appear more likely to suffer more severely or die from COVID-19 than women. As the coronavirus sweeps across the globe, one pattern remains consistent: Men seem harder hit by the virus than women and are more likely to have severe illness or die.
And early in China research on coronavirus cases, the proportion of males to females in infections in China is 1.
People seems have to be used to live along with coronavirus in a long term. Almost all country governments are starting remove lockdown and reopen economy gradually because of the economy pressure. And most people were going to the street protesting for returning to work, even though the number of confirmed is still growing higher. People have to learn how to survive in such a case.
Recently, a Chinese doctor who contributed a lot during the fight agains coronavirus in China suggested how to survive in the post-epidemic life, keeping protected and preventing from infections.
The novel coronavirus may also be lurking in semen Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, scientists have been deepening their understanding of how the novel coronavirus affects the human body and how it is transmitted from person to person. In recent months, scientists have learned that the virus can survive on some surfaces for 3 days, and can stay in tiny droplets for about 30 minutes. It has also been detected in human saliva, urine and feces.
The latest update of Coronavirus pandemic in USA is that the confirmed number grew up to 1,234,351 and number of death came to 72,023. What a terrible situation in USA. The total confirmed is about one third of the world. What happened and is happening to Trump government, and the country CDC? Not only people in USA, but people all in the world have that question in mind for long, and without good answers till now.
The global spread of the novel coronavirus epidemic has disrupted almost everyone’s pace of life, and has also increased the psychological pressure on every individual in every society and society around the world. The virus cuts off the social nature of the human being, and the long-term psychological impact of coronavirus requires the joint response of the entire society.
The World Health Organization issued 31 points of attention to mental health during the epidemic on March 12 this year, covering multiple groups such as ordinary people, medical workers and isolation personnel, and later issued a series of mental health and social psychology Support guide.